Tuesday, 22 March 2011

An Illusory Exhibition

The exhibits that will be on display in Looking twice: fashion and illusion, play with visual illusion, but this trend is not only noticeable within fashion. Through our research it became evident that illusion is currently something of a cultural zeitgeist, and was also present in the recent John Stezaker exhibition, that was on show at the Whitechapel Gallery from 29 January to 18 March 2011.

British artist John Stezaker, describes himself as fascinated by images, and his collages often add or takeaway visual elements in order to create images with new meanings. He plays with distortion and the unsettling effect that this can have visually. Stezaker’s subject is the act of looking itself, and in a similar vein Looking twice aims to encourage the audience to question what they see, to literally look twice at the objects on show and discover new meanings within what is in front of them.

John Stezaker cuts and slices photos together to create a ‘disquieting allure’. In this image he uses this technique to create a mirrored effect.

The theme of illusion is a popular one at present, and so it seems fitting that an exhibition examining its relationship with emerging British fashion talent takes place. Only 13 days to the opening of the exhibition now so make a note of the date, the objects on show won’t disappoint!

Hayley Sherratt

Don't forget you can sponsor our exhibition at INDIEGOGO

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